Y stands for Youth – and “Y” sounds like WHY?
Why Shabbat? Synagogue members, ages 7-12, come find out the first three Saturdays of each month, 10:30-11:30 am.
• Strengthen your Hebrew reading and prayer skills.
• Deepen your understanding of the Shabbat prayers.
• Sing with Mr. Chuck.
• Join in creative ways to celebrate Shabbat
• Enjoy a ‘kid’-dush each week.
AND the best part of this is…
Attend 10 Y Shabbats and earn a $700 scholarship.
Attend 7 Y Shabbats and earn a $360 scholarship.
This year we are excited to offer a scholarship opportunity to our Park Synagogue members, ages 7-12 years old, towards Jewish overnight camp and/or Israel trips for kids who participate in Park’s Y(outh) Shabbat on Saturday mornings. Thanks to the generosity of David Paul Miller, this scholarship is in addition to any other scholarship or financial programs.
Join us in November on 11/4, 11/11 & 11/18 from 10:30-11:30am.
To participate/register and additional questions please contact Teri Hochberg at teri@parksyn.org. Please write “Youth Services” in the subject line.
Join us on:
Saturday, February 3rd
Saturday, February 10th
Saturday, February 17th
Summer Scholarships Available
Park will award limited, supplementary scholarship money to those students attending a Jewish Overnight Camp or Israel Program during the summer of 2024. Requests must be emailed to eva@parksyn.org by February 29, 2024.
To apply for a summer scholarship, please include the following information: Student’s name, address & grade for the (current) 2023-2024 school year, name of parent(s), name of the camp or program, cost of the camp or program, # of weeks attending camp. Please indicate if this is the applicant’s 1st or 2nd year attending camp(s) or program(s), or the number of years they have previously attended. Preference will be given to 1st and 2nd time campers.