B’nei Mitzvah
Mazel Tov on your child's upcoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah! We know this can be an overwhelming time for parents and children, but we are here to make it a stress free (as much as possible!) and joyous occasion. Here are some of the information and links you will need during the process.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide
It's never too early to begin to prepare for the big day! In fact, the journey begins in third grade (or before). We have created a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide to answer most of your questions about B'nei Mitzvah at Park Synagogue. If you have any questions, reach out to us at any time. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide Coming Soon.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Club
A Park tradition! Held during the second semester of Sunday School, the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Club is an important intergenerational class that prepares the family for the upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The program incorporates all Park sixth graders (Day School and Religious School students) and their parents, studying with Rabbi Skoff and the entire clergy. For more information, please contact the school office.
Here are a variety of prayers for download. If you have any questions, please contact Gadi Galili's office.
Bar Mitzvah prayer
Bat Mitzvah prayer
Parents' prayers
Examples of parents' prayer
Bulletin Information
In order to get to know our B'nei Mitzvah better, please complete the questionnaire below. This profile, along with a photo, will be published in the Park Bulletin and the Cleveland Jewish News (we submit it for you). After you complete the profile, please email the photo to mcorpora@parkyn.org. If you have any questions, contact the Bulletin editor, Mackenzie Corpora, at (216) 371-2244, ext. 130 or at mcorpora@parksyn.org
2027 Bar & Bat Mitzvah Date Assignments
During the next several months, Park children born in 2014 will receive their Bar or Bat Mitzvah dates. If your child was born in 2014 and is NOT listed below, please contact Natalie Prior at nprior@parksyn.org or (216) 371-2244, ext. 155. We want to make sure that the list is complete before assignments are given.
George Damoulakis
Tristan Gordon
Avery Boroff
Jesse Brecher
Kennedy Cohen
Parker Cohen
Noah Ebel
Moxie Eglin
Leon Estrovich
Jake Feuerman
William Glass
Juliet Glass
Violet Heksch
Lilah Henry
Evan Joseph
Liam Joseph
Max Simkin-Kaplow
Max Kogelschatz
Aviva Konstantinovsky
Rebecca Levin
Jackson Leyser
Eliana Liner
Anna Martyn
Emma Mendlovic
Rhys Pales
Asher Rivchun
Rahm Singerman
Ava Spitz
Samuel Uram
Isabella Uram
Joshua Kumins
Kalev Gabriel Spratt