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Nurture Your Soul - A Woman's Tu B'Shevat Celebration

  • Park Synagogue 27500 Shaker Blvd Pepper Pike United States (map)

Park's Women's Rosh Chodesh Group invites women of all ages to

Nurture Your Soul --- A Women's Tu B'Shevat Celebration

When it’s cold and snowy outside, what better way to spend the afternoon than celebrating Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish Festival of Trees & Nature, and thinking ahead to spring!

LEARN: Learn about the Tu B’Shevat holiday and how it ties us to the land of Israel. Enjoy inspiring readings, poetry, and songs that will nurture your soul.

TASTE: Taste the delicious symbolic fruits and nuts of the holiday.

BLESS: Bless and sip the Kabbalistic 4 cups of red and white grape juice.

CREATE: Create your own colorful mini flower arrangement to enjoy at home.


$15—Park Adult Members



Prepaid reservations required by January 27th through the Park website, Weekly Wrap, or by sending all names in reservation, phone and email address, plus your check (payable to Park Synagogue) to Nurture Your Soul, Park Synagogue, 27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124.

For questions, please contact Ellen Petler at or 216-371-2244 ext. 122.

January 22

The Synagogues of India

February 5

Women's Rosh Chodesh Book Group